KARACHl: The Urological Care Foundation of the American Urological Association has selected Professor Adib Rizvi of the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) as the recipient of prestigious`Humanitarian Recognition Award` for the current year in recognition of his tremendous services in the world surgical sciences.
According to a press release issued by the Foundation, `The decades-long services of Prof Rizvi for the patients in the underserved areas of Pakistan have left an indelible impact on sustainable clinical care of a vast population of his country.
Paying tributes to Prof Rizvi, it said his contribution in Pakistani society was nothing short of remarkable as he turned an eightbed ward into South Asia`s largest public healthcare institution, which is based on the motto `free with dignity`. The SIUT has treated over 3.3 million patients in 2022. Prof Rizvi who has earned numerous national and international awards is invited to receive the award in San Antonio, Texas in May this year.