NEW YORK: Prof Albert Einstein warned a television audience here that the hydrogen bomb, if developed, would annihilate life by radioactive poisoning of the atmosphere.
Prof Einstein, who was speaking last night [Feb 12] on the first of a series of weekly television broadcasts introduced by Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt, said peace was impossible as long as every single action was taken with a view to stop possible future conflict.
Other speakers included the retiring Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Senator Brian McMahon, Chairman of the Senate Atomic Energy Committee. News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported from Karachi,] the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, in a statement issued last night [Feb 13] ... has ... repudiated the insinuations made by Mr Jawaharlal Nehru and Mr Patel that the Calcutta outbreak was the result of certain happenings in East Pakistan. [He] ...
refrained `from commenting on the genesis of the riots in West Bengal capital in view of the appeal which the representatives of the two provincial Governments have issued to the Press to refrain from publishing anything which would excite people.