Police tighten security outside detention centre for Afghan refugees
By Mohammad Asghar
RAWALPINDI: As operations to round up Afghan nationals seeking refuge in Pakistan continue across the district, the police have stepped up security outside a detention centre for Afghan refugees near Golra Mor.
The government has officially set a deadline of March 31 for Afghan Citizen Card (ACC) holders to leave Pakistan voluntarily.
However, the process of detaining Afghan nationals, particularly those who do not have documentation, residing in Rawalpindi and Islamabad has been underway.
The Afghans, who are being detained in Rawalpindi, are held at a camp near Golra Mor. Such Afghans, who have proof of resi-dence or cards up to the given period, are being released with an order that they cannot stay within the limits of Rawalpindi or Islamabad. Those without proof are being immediately deported back to Afghanistan.
The Rawalpindi police have also formulated a `regular security plan` for the Golra Mor camp, where a team of 40 officials headed by an SP has been deployed. The police have been deployed around the detention centre round the clock to ensure security, and the road in front of the detention centre has been declared a `red zone` (highly sensitive area).
The police personnel deployed at the camp have been performing duties in three shifts, and CCTV cameras have also been installed to monitor the camp besides barbed wire and lighting arrangements. Complete details and records of every Afghan resident found in the camp are being compiled, while the use of mobile phones inside the camp has also been banned.
According to security sources, the Rawalpindi police haverounded up about 820 Afghan nationals from different parts of the garrison city over the past week and have extradited 114 so far. 140 Afghan nationals are still detained at the camp under tight security due to a lull in deportations. It has been learned that due to the closure of the border for the past few days, the process of deporting Afghans has also stopped.
Meanwhile, the Rawalpindi district police sought affidavits from all Afghan nationals either working or residing in the district even though they legally have to leave the twin cities by March 31 as per a government deadline.
A senior police officer said that the government has set a deadline of March 31 for Afghan residents. No direct operation is underway regarding Afghan residents yet, the officer claimed.
However, 140 illegal Afghan residents are present in the camp in Rawalpindi, who could not be deported back due to the closure oftheborderinrecent days.
He said that police have been verifying all those Afghan nationals who had been working orresiding in different areas in the garrison city and obtained affidavits from their employers and landlords. He said the refugees havebeenaskedtoleavePakistan before March 31, which has been set as the deadline to leave Pakistan voluntarily.
In case, the source said that if any illegal foreigner was found in the district, he/she would be roundedupand deportedback to their home countries. `Yes, all Afghans who are legal will be relocated from RawalpindiIslamabad after the deadline, said the source.
It may be noted that as part of the move against illegal foreigners, including Afghan nationals, the intelligence agencies have been monitoring the implementation of the relocation plan of Afghan nationals. In addition, search operations are being carried out in different areas to ensure security in the Rawalpindi district. Bomb disposal squads with sniffer dogs will carry out scanning and sweeping of the area and get a certificate from the Special Branch.