Worried students
PUNJAB University is the oldest and largest university in Pakistan, having students from every nook and corner of the country. Notwithstanding its status, however, it has been in the grip of several problems. The purpose of education is to foster and develop criticalthinking among students, encouraging them to ask questions and promote discussion.
However, the university and its administration hardly allow students the space to have any discussion and to ask questions. Those who raise their voice on anyissue are subjected to disciplinary and retributory actions.
The issue of harassment of girl students is rampant at the university. Lucky would be the girl who may not have gone through the psychological trauma of harassment.
There is no mechanism for the redressal of this critical issue. Though antiharassment committees are formed at the university, they are not functional and have no representation of students. A few months ago, a girl student committed suicide in her hostel room.
Let alone investigating the incident, the student protesters who asked for an inquiry were subjected to torture and violence, resulting in injury to many of the students.
Further, the state of affairs at hostels is seriously grim. There is no potable water available, and water coolers are mostly dysfunctional. Thousands of students stayin these hostels.
While the boys could have their way as they have a council which could force the administration to address their issues, the girls neither have their separate council nor do they have representationin the existing councils. Their issues continue to remain unidentified and unaddressed.
Theyouthofthe country shouldnotbetreated as chattels and mere expendables.
Pakistan has a large population of young people, and the country`s future surely depends on how it treats its youth today.
FatimaMurad Lahore