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Body formed to analyse surge in traffic accidents

KARACHI: Additional Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Karachi Javed Alam Odho on Thursday formed `Karachi Road Accident Analysis Team` (KR AAT) at DIG Traffic office, and tasked it with analysing the causes of the surge in fatal accidents at hands of reckless drivers in the city and submit a detailed report.

Speaking at a ceremony on this occasion, the city police chief said the body would monitor accidents on a daily basis, collect evidence and ascertain causes and submit reports to the police authorities.

Moreover, an advisory panel has been set up while in collaboration with concerned institutions, an `effective strategy` is being chalked out to reduce traffic accidents, he added.

Earlier, DIG Traffic Pir Mohammed Shah said that Kraat would comprise of 10 experts who would be equipped with `modern facilities` with unique uniform while a modern mobile app is also being prepared which would provide information about accidents immediately.

He said `irresponsible` driving was causing accidents but added that generally, exact causes are not being determined. -Staff Reporter