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West warns ships against nearing Iranian waters

MANAMA: Western naval forces operating in the Gulf warned ships sailing in the strategic Strait of Hormuz against approaching Iranian waters to avoid the risk of seizure,accordingtostatements issued over the weekend.

`Vessels are being advised to transit as far away from Iranian territorial waters as possible` to minimise the risk of seizure, US Fifth Fleet spokesperson Commander Tim Hawkins said.

The International Maritime Security Construct (IMSC),led by Washington, is `notifying regional mariners of appropriate precautions to minimise the risk of seizure based on current regional tensions, which we seek to de-escalate,` he added.

The alliance, established in 2019, is made up of 11 countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Its mission, according to its website, is to `provide reassurance to merchant shipping in the MiddleEast region`.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency said late on Saturday in a statement that it had been `made aware of an increased threat within the vicinity of Strait of Hormuz` through which one-third of the world`s oil transported by sea passes.

The agency advised all vessels to `exercise caution and report suspicious activity to UKMTO`.

In a statement released on Saturday afternoon, maritime security company Ambrey said that they have been warned by Greek and US authorities, as well as others, `of an attacl< on a merchant vessel... in the Strait of Hormuz in the next 12 to 72 hours`.

`Previously, after a similar warning was issued, a merchant vessel was seized by Iranian authorities under a false pretext, it added.

There has been no reaction so far from Iranian authorities to the warnings.-AFP