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Two years

EDITORIAL: On Pakistan`s second birthday, joy will be tempered with sorrow that its architect did not live long enough to see the State which he had carved out for his people firmly and ... set on the road to progress. Had he lived he would have been as proud as every Pakistanihas good reasons to be at the achievements of the last two years. A nation ought to look forward ... but on an anniversary such as we are celebrating today [Aug 14], it is useful to remind ourselves of the terrible birth pangs amidst which our State was born, of the many-sided onslaughts against which we had to defend ourselves, of the internal economic problems created by the influx of millions of refugees which we had to solve, of the aggression in Kashmir which had to eventually fight... . .

Many may be disposed to think that we could have given a better account of ourselves... . ... Nowhere in the world does there exist a perfect or even a near perfect administration. In a new State, particularly, much has to be learnt by trial and error, and the pessimist who bemoans only failure and overlooks successesisno patriot.