T HE roads around Zaibunnissa Street have been taken over by a parking mafia, which.
supposedly has been awarded tender for operatingthe parkingin this area.
The result is that office-goers and visitors have to shell out Rs20 an hour and Rs100 a day as parking charges. Monthly charge is Rs1,100. To ensure `smooth` parl(ing, ruffians are always there to deal with visitors who raise objections.
Such is the reach of this parking mafia that shopping street authorities have not raised any objection to the conversion of a large park which was a designated green area near that complex building into a parking lot.
The local police also have found all papers of this parking mafia to be in order, so no relief from those quarters. No one knows how a parking contractor has been able to fix charges arbitrarily and charge the same without objection from any quarter, except the paying public. I hope the authorities concerned will wake up.