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Students` challenges

RECENTLY, I conducted a random survey regardinggraduation and postgraduate planning atvarious universitiesin Islamabad. The respondents` demographic profile primarily consisted of individuals from marginalised regions and low-income families.

Only a small proportion of students, regardless of gender, demonstrated enthusiasm about career plans with clear responses. The remainder of the respondents exhibited uncertainty regarding their career goals.

Postgraduate students encounter distinct challenges in their educational trajectory as the learning process diverges significantly from secondary or undergraduate studies. Collaborating with public service organisations to establish internship programmes could be an effective strategy to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical experience.

The challenges confronting inexperienced postgraduate students encompass psychological issues, financial constraints, language barriers,lack ofpractical knowledge, and other personal difficulties.

The government needs to address the students` challenges and create more jobs and paid internships for graduates.

Tufail Dawar North Waziristan