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Unethical `business`

PEOPLE in Pakistan may not realise the gravity of the matter, but quite a few private-se ctor Pakist ani universities are hurting the country`s image abroad as they are perceived to be involved in the insidious business of selling genuine yet bogus degrees.

It all started with a university that has campuses in all the major cities of Pakistan, and it does have legitimate academic activities on the campuses. It is just that the university issues degrees to anyone who has an enrolment and has paid the fee across the academic programme.

Besides, the university concerned has extended its offer of full-time, on-campus degree programmes to non-resident Pakistanis. They get themselves registered in the programme, pay the fee promptly, and get their degrees without ever visiting the campus. Due to the profitable nature of the `business`, some other institutions also joined the bandwagon in due course.

The dilemma is that the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognises these institutions, and is, therefore, bound to certify the authenticity of these unfortunately genuine, yet fake degrees earned fraudulently by students in connivance with the institutions.

The easiest way to unearth these scams is to grill relevant staff members of theirregistration and/or records department asthey are part and parcelofthis ignominious business.

A strong punitive measure is needed against a few of the more blatant culprits that will send the message across, and this menace will be curtailed, if not eliminated.

The ease with which this menace can be eliminated leaves one flabbergasted at the indifference and inaction of the government. The relevant quarters should pay attention to the matter, and eradicate this cancer from our academic institutions in society once and for all.

Muhammad Mohiuddin Toronto, Canada