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Bomb thrown at meeting

CALCUTTA: A bomb exploded at a corner of the huge parade ground today [July 14] while the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Nehru, was calling on a big meeting to `face the Communist trouble squarely`. One policeman was killed and five people were wounded when the bomb was thrown at a police picket guarding the crowd of a million men and women.AfterthemeetingMrNehrureturned to Government House. On the route a young man carrying a loaded revolver was challenged by the police and fired three times at one policeman. Later a man was arrested.

Before the meeting, five other bomb explosions occurred in scattered areas of Calcutta, injuring two policemen and several passersby. The huge meeting climaxed Mr Nehru`s three-day `fact finding` visit to Calcutta to investigate unrest and violence in West Bengal. The Prime Minister called on the crowd to `fight bacl(` the menace of Communism. `Do not run away from it,` he said: `The cry for civil liberties raised in certain quarters is not for genuine civil liberties. If these people have their way India will suffer the same fate as Germany under Hitlerism.`-News agencies