BOMBAY: Mr. M.A. Jinnah, President of the AllIndia Muslim League, has issued the following statement: `The Muslim League has fixed the 16th of August for the purpose of explaining to the Muslim public all over India the resolutions that were passed by the Councilof the All-India Muslim League on 29th July at Bombay. The object and purpose of this is to make the Muslims understand fully the situation that is facing Muslim India and that they should prepare themselves for any eventuality that we may have to face.
`It will be noted that there has been a revolutionary change in our policy and that we have declared that we shall resort to direct action, as and when necessary, and prepare ourselves for the achievement of our goal of Pakistan. But the 16th of August is not for the purpose of resorting to direct action in any form or shape; therefore, I enjoin upon the Muslims to carry out the instructions and abide by them strictly. .
[Meanwhile, as reported from Bombay,] The Congress President Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru`s letter to ... Mr. Jinnah inviting his Party`s co-operation in the formation of an immediate Provisional National Interim Government was delivered to the Muslim League President... . Dawn Delhi