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Letting off the hook

YET another reckless driver who killed two and injured six has been let off through a pardon and possibly after the payment of diyat to the heirs of the victims. While the culprit involved in the unfortunate Karsaz incident is still facingcharges ofanothernature,sheisa free person as far as the charges specific to the accident are concerned.

The extent of damage caused to justice and fairness as well as to the greater good of society by improperly framed laws and their misinterpret ation is rather phenomenal in this country.

As things stand currently, nobody will ever be able to ask questions regarding the responsibility of the crime which will be passed off as an `accident` or `human error`. Nobody will ask the `how` and `why` of the matter.

Frankly speaking, even if the heirs have really pardone d her, it is the responsibility of the state to bring her to trial, and of the prosecution to ask the right andincisive questions.

On the ground, the existing laws of the country need an immediate, complete overhaul. If their interpretation and understanding even by the judiciary are causing more harm than good, such laws need tobe repealed.

Besides, for the sake of the country,the rich and powerful who flout laws on the basis of assumed privilege must be brought under some semblance of control.

Nikhat Sattar Karachi