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Unheard, but hopeful

I WAS an engineer by profession, and, during my prime years of service, I was associated with the Pakistan Machine Tool Factory (PMTF) in Karachi, when I sustained third-degree burns while performing my duties. This was February 1997. My life turned 180 degrees after the incident.

While the rescue workers saved my life from the wild flames, I became disabled, unable to use both my hands. I was 38 at the time. I have turned 65 now, but still waiting for due justice.

I filed a petition inthe Sindh High Court (Case No 1067/2008) for compensation and medical treatment, but my case is still pending. The irony is that not a single hearinghasbeen held since the filing of my case, and the next date of hearing is now in the fourth week of January 2025.

Needless to say, my medical condition has deteriorated due to the accident, subsequent illnesses and age in all these years. I have lost my vision in the right eye because of high blood sugar.

Despite putting up with negligence, ignorance and injustice over the last two decades, I have not lost hope.

I am hopeful that my case will surely be heard one day, and I will get due justice. I hope the time comes when I am still alive rather than in the afterlife.

Shoaib Soulat Karachi