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`Anti-rape Crisis Centre` set up at Pims

By Ikram Junaidi 2024-01-16
ISLAMABAD: As a step towards an expeditious and effective redressal mechanism, an `Anti-Rape Crisis Centre` has been established at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) in Islamabad for survivors of sexual violence. The centre is established by the Ministry of Law and Justice and the Ministry of Health with support from the UK Government, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Legal Aid Society.

The `Anti-Rape Crisis Cell` at Pims will provide well-rounded medical, legal and social services to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. It is worth mentioning that the initiative is a part of the implementation of the anti-rape (Trial and Investigation) Act, 2021 which ensures justice for survivors of sexual offences and the provision of services and support they may need.

The law necessitated the establishment of Anti-Rape Crisis Centers (ARCCs) at the district level in DHQ hospitals to provide survivors with access to multiple services, includingFIR registration, evidence collection, and medical examination.

Speaking on the occasion, the chairperson for the special committee on Anti-Rape Law Ayesha Raza Farooq said `the anti-rape committee has framed comprehensive rules to usher in a new jurisprudence ready to combat sexual violence.

Ms Farooq, who also heads the National Commission on the Rights of Child, said the crisis cells would provide timely response and victim-centric support round the clock. `Looking ahead, the goal is to allow every citizen, especially women and children, to claim public spaces and travel onpublic routes without any fear and vulnerability of sexual violence,` she added.

Addressing the audience, UK`s High Commissioner Jane Marriott said that the crisis cell in Pims Islamabad was a significant milestone in addressing gender-based violence in Pakistan.

`This new anti-rape crisis facility will ensure that gender-based violence survivors are provided with quicker response services under one roof. The UK is proud to partner with Pakistan in advancing such important innovations for tackling violence.

Ministry of Law and Justice Secretary Raja Naeem Akbar appreci-ated the support of all partners in establishing the centre.

He said, `The centre will help address the critical issues of genderbased violence`.

Health Secretary Iftikhar Ali Shallwani said, `We must also ensure the access of this crucial service to communities living on the outskirts of Islamabad. Due to stigma, many survivors hesitate to report or to walk to the centre. As a solution, we can enable people`s access to services through technology-based solutions`.

He stated that there should be a round-the-clock helpline or a mobile application that would help survivors access these services and centres.

Addressing the audience, the United Nations Population Fund Representative Dr Luay Shabaneh said, `Rape is an ugly crime which causes lifelong pain and psychological trauma to those who face it. By all means, rape is a crisis which needs a collective response. We should start from prevention and awareness raising but also ensure a comprehensive response to help those in need.

Pims Executive Director Dr Rana Imran Sikandar claimed that the hospital was committed to supporting the survivors of sexual violence and reducing their trauma through `psychosocial` support. He assured that the rape cases will be dealt with through a holistic approach and with respect, care and confidentiality throughout the medical examination.