Ishq Ageeda launched
By Peerzada Salman
KARACHI: A collection of naar and hamd titled Ishq Ageeda by eminent poet and journalist Alauddin Khanzada Hamdam was launched at the Arts Council of Pakistan on Saturday evening.
Prof Sahar Ansari, who presided over the event, said Mr Khanzada is a senior journalist who uses Hamdam as his pen name. The difference between a common writer and a journalist is that the journalist`s wish to get published is fulfilled almost on a daily basis. Despite that, if journalists find time for creative writing, it is worth praising. `Khanzada has tried his hand at different genres of poetry. He has penned humorous poems as well as serious verses. And by the grace of God, he has been able to come up with a book of naar and hamd.He said naat is part of every momin`s life because when he recites the durood shareef, it`s also a form of naat. `Khanzada has named his book Ishq Ageeda... To write naat in praise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) some subjects are fixed. What I find noteworthy in Khanzada`s collection of naat is that he hasn`t versified the subjects; instead, it`s his strong passion (jazba) with which he has expressed his feelings.
Prof Ansari also read some verses of naat from the book.
Mr Khanzada, in his brief speech, thanked the Almighty for providing him the opportunity to write naar and hamd and read a naat expressing his love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Arts Council President Ahmed Shah said Ishq Ageeda is Mr Khanzada`s way of life. He added that religion is the predominant factor of culture.
Karachi Press Club (KPC) Presidentand poet Fazil Jamili said he has known Mr Khanzada for many a year. There was a time when both held key positions at the KPC and it was for the first time that two poets had held reins of the club.
Poet Khalid Moin said in the past a movement for writing naat took place in Karachi. In that, it was decided that one should be very careful while using words in a naat. He said when Mr Khanzada headed the literary committee at the KPC he managed to do a lot of programmes. With respect to his poetry, Mr Moin said there`s a tremendous creative flow in his poems along with purity. His literary pursuits carry purposefulness.
Dr Abdul Jabbar, Usman Jamaee, Dr Ayoub Shaikh and Khalilah Faroogi also spoke at the event, which was moderated by Shakil Khan.
Earlier, Rehana Ahsaan recited a naat from the book.