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Seventy-five years ago Immense love`

PESHAWAR: Miss Fatima Jinnah, who returned to Peshawar after 15-day stay in Parachinar said that she was very much impressed by the `immense love and enthusiasm shown by tribesmen towards Pakistan`.

Giving her impressions of the tour of the tribal territory spread over the route from Kohat Pass to Parachinar Miss Fatima Jinnah said that she was very glad to see that the false demarcations created by the Britishers between the Settled Districts and the tribal territory had now completely vanished and Pathans of both areas were now freely mixing with each other and whole heartedly working for the consolidation of Pakistan.

All over the tribal territory, she said, she found Pathan leaders to help Pakistan in every way and pledge to stand solidly behind Pakistan, which they regard as their `own country`. She said she would never forget the enthusiastic reception given to her by Pathans all over the Kurram Agency, who along with their children stood waiting on the roadside to welcome her and shouted slogans of `Pakistan Zindabad`, `Quaid-i-Azam Zindabad` amidst volleys of rifle shots.