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Misplaced notions

A DIECTIVE was issued recently by the administration of the Government Postgraduate College, Timergara, regarding the participation of girl students in political as well as social gatherings on or off the campus. The order went down well with the area people as it was in line with the cultural norms of the region.

However, a controversy was kicked up by some elements in the national media as well as by some social media `influencers`, calling it a violation of women`s rights.

This only reflected the disconnect with ground reality.

As an effort to enhance the pace of female education in the region, the facility in the college for girls to enrol was provided in 2018. Despite being strictly against Dir`s cultural background, the locals allowed their daughters to attend a co-education facility. They did so because, instead ofsendingtheir daughters to faraway colleges, they found one in their own city. It is undoubtedly true that the step of the locals for the sake of their daughters was praiseworthy.

Since it was a cultural `risk` on the partof those who took this daring step, the girl students have to be careful about the local norms and values. Any digression may lead to a situation where parents may refuse to send their daughters to such institutions.

Truly, the girls also do not want a party or two to ruin their whole academic career, and most of them have had no issue with the said order. Thus, if the people of Dir as well as the students and their parents have no issue with the directive, and wish to focus on the academics, those having nothing to do with the region`s affairs should make it appear `controversial`.

Asim Ullah Timergara