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Mainstream media

THIS is with reference to two letters and a brief reproduction in the `75 years ago` series (July 31) which together made me feel happy about the diversity of content that may lead to some cerebral discussion in society instead of what is being churned out by the national media at large day in and day out.

The letters `Media may struggle to believe, but there certainly is life beyond Karachi` and `Reality of women`s life in tribal areas`, especially the prominent manner in which the two were carried, would have surely been appreciated by people living outside Karachi.

It is not of ten that the mainstream media talks about issues af fecting life in areas beyond the major urban centres.

Also, people in urban areas need to realise that they are not alone in their misery when it comes to loadshedding, water shortage, pollution or even the absence of healthcarefacilities.

It is as if loadshedding in, say, Shahdadkot, is a lesser issue thanloadshedding in Karachi. It is not, and media needs to understand it, and portray the facts accordingly.

As for the excerpts from an editorial published 75 years ago (July 31, 1947) titled `No provincialism`, it clearly showed what a great visionary and a true statesman G.M. Syed was. The callous attitude of the `outsiders` has all along been questionable as they have dedicated their energies for their own ilk, neglecting the merit of the locals.

It is hoped that Dawn will continue to give equal representation to the backward areas in every field of life because this is what a mainstream newspaper has a duty to do. Maybe others will take a cue and follow the trend Mansoor ul Haque Solangi Karachi