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U.N. Charter

NEW YORK: United States delegate Senator Tom Connally told the Political Committee of the United Nations` General Assembly when it resumed its debate on the Big Powers` right to veto today [Nov 15] that `the United States opposes any steps in the direction of amending the Charter`. `We reaffirm the position we took at San Francisco that the veto should be used only in very rare and exceptional cases,` he continued. This was the first pronouncement by one of the Big Powers on the demand by several small nations` members that the power of veto should be revised by the General Assembly.

Senator Connally in a nine-point review of the United States` position on the question said: `We regard the principle of unanimity as of highest importance for the success of the United Nations. We believe that the responsibility imposed on the Great Powers by the Charter requires them to exert every effort to reach an agreement on important issues before the Security Council. ...We believe that the voting formula should be clarified in the light of experience and practical need. The Security Council should embark on this task at the earliest practicable time.` Dawn Delhi