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Ulema urged to unite for society`s larger good

By Our Correspondent 2023-11-16
BAJAUR: Speakers at a conference held here the other day stressed the need of unity among the religiousleadersofvarious schoolsofthoughtforthelarger good of the society.

The `Ittehad-i-Ulema Convention` organised by Jamaat-i-1slami local chapter at its seminary in Khar was attended by religious figures from across the Bajaur tribal district and other parts of the province.

Local elders were also in attendance.

Ittehadul Ulema Khyber Pakhtunkhwa president Maulana Assadullah, its Bajaur president Maulana Fazal Wahid, Wafaqu1 Madaris Bajaur president Maulana Zakirullah, former JI MNA from Mardan Maulana Attaur Rehman, JI local chapter emir Sahibzada Haroon Rashid and others spoke on the occasion.

They termed such gatherings vital for bridging differences among various religious schools of thought.

They noted these differences had weakened the religious figures` influence and respect among residents.

The speakers noted that use of hate speech was damaging the religious harmony.

They stressed that religious figures should gather on a single platform irrespective of their religious and political ideologies.