THE word `import` means to bring goods into the country for sale. Items brought for personal use, such as cell phones or a packet of chocolates, in the personal luggage of passengers arriving in the country do not qualify as `imports`.
Apparently, the staff at the airports do not quite understand the dif ference.
Recently the government banned the import of numerous `non-essential luxury` items to stop the outflow of American dollars from the country. The authorities would surely know that payments for goods to be imported are made several months in advance. To me, at least, it is not clear how payments made in advance would af fect the financial outlay of the country.
On the other side of the spectrum, the airport staff continues to harass the passengers andconñscate theirpersonal items under the pretext of import prohibition of foreign goods. The relevant authorities are urged to immediately arrange a much-needed training session for allofñcials at the airports to help them understand the actual meaning of `import`.
Any delay in tackling this particular problem will not only increase the level of corruption among Customs officials, but will also cause f rustration among the people coming in from far and wide.