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Federal constitution

PESHAWAR: The NWFP Assembly here ... adopted three resolutions calling for an Islamic, Federal and Parliamentary, democratic Constitution, complete ban on gambling in the Province and setting up of the industrial units based on natural resources in the Province. Through the resolution on the Constitution ... [it was] recommended to the National Assembly to frame the permanent Constitution, so as to be truly Islamic, Federal and Parliamentary [and] democratic in character, providing for bicameral legislature, with equal representation to all the provinces in the Upper House. The resolution said that under the Constitution the Government should be answerable to the Parliament. All powers should vest in the Central Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister. The President should be only a constitutional head... . News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by the newspaper`s staf f reporter f rom Karachi,] The industrial workers of SIT E ... rejected the four-point formula of the Provincial Government and decided to continue their strike till all their demands were accepted. They demanded suspension of all the officials involved in the police firing of June 7 and 8 and public inquiry into the incidents.