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Pakistan Fund

NEW DELHI: Q aed-e-Azam Jinnah ... in a statement issued this evening [June 16] appeals to every Muslim to contribute to the `Pakistan Fund` to be set up and utilised for various tasks connected with partition.

`The fund will be utilised,` the Qaed-e-Azam said, particularly for referendum in NWFP, Baluchistan and Sylhet, the work of the Constituent Assembly for Pakistan and other connected matters. `This is a stupendous task to go through and we are moving with lightning speed and rapidity,` he said. `I therefore appeal to the Musalmans to send me without delay their contributions. Without finances all this gigantic business cannot be performed satisfactorily. I am sure that every Muslim will appreciate and understand how necessary it is at this moment to give his or her help immediately whatever they can,` he continued.

[Meanwhile, as reported from Hyderabad Deccan,] A Communique issued by the Nizam`s Government contains a warning to members of `political and communal parties` against making public speeches in language calculated to incite violence andracialhatred.`Governmentregret` says the Communique, `that the freedom of the platform is being abused by some who have been giving expression to unrestrained and intemperate views.` Dawn Delhi