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40th anniversary of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus celebrated

By Jamal Shahid 2023-11-17
ISLAMABAD: A powerful message resonated through the 40th anniversary celebrations of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on Wednesday night for the urgent need to acknowledge the inherent rights of the Cypriot people.

Ambassador of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Dilsad Senol passionately called upon the international community to reconsider the unjust and inhumane isolation imposed upon the Turkish Cypriot people.

The event witnessed the presence of diplomats and local dignitaries highlighting the significance of the occasion and reaffirming the country`s standing on the global stage.

Ambassador Senol welcomed current and former Pakistani parliamentarians who joined in too, sending greetings to the people of TRNC, wishing that the day would be marked by pride, harmony and progress.

This acl(nowledgment reflectedthe significance of TRNC`s journey toindependence.

On behalf of the Turkish Cypriot People, she reiterated gratitude to motherland, Republic of Turkiye, for its unwavering support to TRNC as well as the brotherly state of Pakistan for all-time support in the cause.

`It is high time for the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,` said Ambassador Senol as she paid tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the Turl(ish Cypriots and expressed respect and gratitude to the veterans.

`Four decades ago, Turkish Cypriot people proclaimed their independent state as a concrete expression of their rightful freedom and sovereignty resisting against all attempts made to eliminate their legitimate political will and rightful existence on the island of Cyprus,` said the ambassador.

`Over the years, we have maintained peace and tranquility on the island by safeguard-ing our values, beliefs and national identity with steadfast support from our motherland Turkiye and Anatolian people.

She tool( pride in highlighting the substantial progress the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus had achieved in various domains, including democracy,economy, social equality and human rights. Ambassador Senol pointed to achievements in higher education and tourism, two pivotal sectors driving the economy.

She, however, lamented the Greek Cypriot`s reluctance to share power and prosperitywith the co-owners of the island, the Turkish Cypriot people.

`In line with the calls made by UN Secretary General `to think outside the box`, we have tabled our new vision regarding the solution of Cyprus issue at the 5+UN informal meeting in Geneva in April 2021,which would bring the much-needed stability, security and cooperation in and around our island with a win-win approach,` she said, adding the essence of the proposal was to secure the inherent sovereign equality and equal international status of the state of the Turkish Cypriot people.

She quoted Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkiye, at the United Nations General Assembly last year calling on the international community to put an end to the unjust persecution of the Turkish Cypriot People who were being isolated from the rest of the world with restrictions which clearly run counter to United Nations principles, and to formally recognise the Turl(ish Republic of Northern Cyprus.