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Seventy-five years ago `A safe democracy`

KARACHI: Addressing a largely attended meeting of Karachi citizens, estimated at over a hundred thousand, held under the auspices of the Karachi City Muslim League at Jehangir Park on Tuesday night [Nov 16], Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan,declaredthatasfarashecouldsee the future of Pakistan, the country was not to be a happy hunting ground for capitalists but a safe democracy where the common man would prosper.

Speaking of his recent tour abroad, the Prime Minister said that one good result of his visit to London and Paris was that he had been able to impress upon the leaders and statesmen of foreign countries that every Pakistani, man, woman and child, will lay down his life rather than let go the freedom that had been won after great hardships. Staffcorrespondent [Meanwhile, according to Dawn`s special correspondent from Peshawar,] a rousing reception coupled with assurances of loyalty to Pakistan was given to [Governor-General Khwaja] Nazimuddin by enthusiastic tribesmen when he visited the Tribal Areas ... and drove up to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.