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DIABETES AWARENESS: Diabetes is a chronic illness, which, if not managed properly, can and does take lives. Called the silent killer, it affects various organ systems in the human body, leading to a number of diseases.

That beingso, thereis aneed toraise awareness about the condition. The World Diabetes Day, observed recently (Nov 14), aims at doing just that by attracting global attention towards diabetes, fostering awareness and advocating better care and support for those living with diabetes. Regular health checkups to monitor blood sugar levels facilitate the identification of pre-diabetes and initiation of early intervention.

Ezma Siddiqui Karachi ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE: The unnecessary use or overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of multid.

rug-resistant strains, leading to a rapidly growing threat of antibiotic resistance, which is a growing global health concern. The misuse makes infections more challenging and costly to treat. It is essential to ensure the professional and responsible use of medications to prevent the further proliferation of antibiotic resistance. If the current trend continues, new organisms will become resistant, and we may find ourselves with no effective treatment options.

Fizzah Ashfaque Karachi COLLECTIVE EFFORTS: Pneumonia, a severe respiratory infection, continues to take lives around the world, especially of children aged under five years.

Those in the developing countries happen to be particularly at risk. By promoting awareness, we can empower individuals to recognise pneumonia symptoms early, seek prompt medical assistance, and adopt preventive steps, like proper hygiene, vaccination and adequate nutrition. Initiatives, such as awareness campaigns and informative seminars, can make a substantial difference. Through collective efforts, we can significantly reduce the prevalence of pneumonia and save lives.

Aynaa Arshad Karachi