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9 . ,. Locked inside the particular set But working out the single digit number . . of numbers that make up your contained within your date of birth is date of birth, lies the secret only the start of a journey that will lead 100 p . that drives your personality. you to the discovery of the unique power of the single digit number. And . And it, lille Jahangir Khan, how it can change your life.

• * Uncover more and more of that magic Behinil w yami smgle digit number is 5 , E OV . hBP9 is fBöf IDPmuiO to square, row to row and column to column, carefully placing those single digit . achieve success... n¤mbers untii yo¤ work o¤t that ¤n a e 5Y formula on your Sudoku Alpha Grid.

The secret of your success is .. your fixation on the WARNING: Sudoku Alpha requires you P y r single-minded pursuit. To to use the full complement of your unique . -. .. achieve success, you are Powers of logical deduction, elimination, . . . prepared to give the literal concentration and dogged determination.

100% to your singular The more you play Sudoku Alpha the . objective. Once set on a more you will uncover about your potential . . course, time loses all meaning to control your life and the hidden secrets t . . and you do not waver until you that will enable you to scale the greater I .. . . have achieved that which your heights of success. AND REMEMBER, , , heart wants most Proficiency in Sudoku Alpha can also . . r . . help break the sound barrier.

Number... velock The Secret Magic Of Siegle igit Nembere As They I all Inte Place on g 4 How to calculate your smgle digit number Add ill tht digits of yt.ur date of b rih H like Jahangrr Khan pu are bom on December 10 1%J 12 10 1963) idd 1+2+1+U-1+%6+3 23 a nd then v h h m%e. up the The Dawn Medka Group DAWNb====-_ 9 .LPHAarin RINTED BY WASEEM AHMED AND PUBLISHED BY KHAWAJA KALEEM AHMED AT PAKISTAN HERALD LTD. PRESS FOR PAKISTAN HERALD PUBLICATIONS (PVT) LTD., DR. ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD, KARACHI, PAKISTAN. EDITOR: ZAFFAR ABBAS