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Nationalist parties observe 120th birth anniversary of G.M. Syed

By Qurban Ali Khushik 2024-01-18
DADU: The Sindh United Party and other major nationalist parties observed the 120th birth anniversary of Ghulam Murtaza Shah, widely known as G.M. Syed, at the historic bungalow of the founder of Jeay Sindh Tehreek on the bank of Indus River amid imposition of Section 144 in Sann town on Wednesday.

The main program was organised by SUP in which G.M. Syed`s grandson, Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah, cut a cake to mark the birth anniversary of his illustrious grandfather.

Shah said at the program that G.M. Syed embarked upon his political career on April 27, 1921, at the age of 14 after meeting Gandhi and Maulana Azad at Sann railway station.

In 1934, he formed the Sindh People`s Party along with Shahnawaz Bhutto, Allah Bux Soomro andMeeranMohammad Shahandin1936,hefoundedthe Sindh Ettihad Party with Haji Abdullah Haroon and Allah Bux Soomro which Shahnawaz Bhutto also joined later, he said.

He said that G.M. Syed was elected member of Sindh Assembly in 1937 and joined Muslim League in 1938. He became member of the Central Council of All-India Muslim League in 1941 was elected president of the Sindh chapter of Muslim League in 1943, he said.

He said that Sindh had this singular honour that under the leadership of G.M. Syed a resolu-tion was passed by the Sindh Assembly on March 3, 1943, in the light of the Lahore Resolution of 1940, demanding a separate homeland for Muslims of the subcontinent. Later, political conditions took such a turn that he was imprisoned and died in captivity on April 25, 1995, he said.

SUP president Syed Zain Shah said that the country was facing economic crisis because of lack of accountability of the corrupt. A handful of corrupt families had been ruling the country and they had held the entire population hostage, he said.

He demanded accountability of the corrupt and said that returning officers and assistant returning officers linked to PPPhad been appointed in Sindh, which raised questions over transparency in election.

He said that chairmen and vice chairmen associated with PPP were spending development funds, which might affect the election results.

He said that entire nation was watching criminal role of the Election Commission of Pakistan and it appeared election would not be held transparently. The Grand Democratic Alliance would form the government and then `we will take account of the looted public wealth`, he said.

`We want to make Pakistan a real federation. The country will have to review its policy of federation. If election is not held transparently, the country willsuffer,` he said.

He said that PPP had torn Sindh apart. `If we are defeated through rigging, it will be a defeat of Pakistan not only of Sindh,` he said.

Roshan Ali Buriro, senior vice president of SUP, condemned imposition of Section 144 in Sann and said anyone who fought for their rights was considered an enemy. If PPP did not come to power, Murad Ali Shah and Malik Asad would quit the party, he said.

Jeay Sindh Mahaz-Riaz chairman Riaz Chandio said that all foreigners including Afghans should be expelled from Sindh and Sindh`s right over its natural resourcesshouldbe recognised.

He demanded that all themissing workers of nationalist parties should be freed and Sindhi language should be declared asnationallanguage.

Jeay Sindh Qaumi MahazBashir, JSQM-Arisar, JST and JSM held separate programs and the banned outfit JSMM took out a procession in Sann town.

JSQM-Bashir chairman Sanan Qureshi said at the gathering that he condemned imposition of Section 144 and arrest of activists.

JSQM-Arisar leader Amjad Mahesar also demanded release of arrested activists of his party.

A torch-bearing rally was also taken out by nationalist parties` workers at night followed by a Sufi music night to pay homage to G.M. Syed at Syed House.