KARACHI: General discussion on the Budget on Friday [March 17] was eclipsed by Mr B.K. Dutta`s statement in Parliament of the day before. It was characterised as a `gross misstatement` and every word of it was challenged by the Speakers. ...
Indignation ran high in Government Benches. What made Mr Dutta make this `mis-statement`? the Speakers asked... .
Dr I.H. Qureshi in a 4,000-word statement gave a crushing reply to Mr Dutta`s `astounding charges`. He ... proved [every point] to be incorrect by giving the facts of each case. He characterised the statement as an `improvement on the Hindu Mahasabha`s propaganda`, and observed: `Mr Dutta would probably earn their special gratitude for giving them a new line of thought.`Staff correspondent [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies,] referring to [Mr Dutta`s] allegations on the `plight` of Hindus in East Pakistan, Mr Pathan said that the refugees entering East Pakistan were literally stripped of all their belonging, while Hindus going from East Pakistan carried `all their bag and baggage` across the border in some cases under full protection of East Pakistani Police.