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Bilawal `rejects` budget sans promised aid for flood-hit

By Fazal Khaliq 2023-06-18
SWAT: The differences among the ruling coalition over the federal budget came to the fore on Saturday when PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari indicated that his party would not vote for the budget unless their concerns were addressed.

Addressing a rally in the Khwazakhela area of Swat, Mr Bhutto-Zardari, who is also the foreign minister, said the prime minister had promised to keep funds for the rehabilitation of flood-hit people in the budget, but some members from his team `were not fulfilling those promises`.

He claimed that the budget presented in parliament had very little input from the PPP, especially on the issues of climate change and rehabilitation of those affected by floods, for which sufficient funds were not allocated.

`I was surprised when I read the budget that there were no funds for the provinces to rehabilitate the flood-hit people,` the foreign minister said.

`I have told my party that we are a coalition partner and we believe in equality. This isn`t just my issue, it is a national issue.

He said the prime minister had witnessed the destruction inPunjab, Sindh, Swat and Balochistan with his own eyes.

Broken promises The PPP leader claimed that when the world pledged aid, the federal government said it would match that amount. The federalgovernment also promised provinces to match the amount spent on rehabilitation and reconstruction.

`I don`t doubt the intentions of the prime minister, but I would like to request him to hold those people to account who are not fulfilling the promises he made.

`If PML-N wants PPP to vote on the budget without funds for floodaffected people, this will not happen,` he warned.

The PPP chairman claimed his party`s government in the past successfully eradicated terrorism and extremism from the country but the previous PTI government, which he labelled as `selected rulers`, once again handed over the country to the terrorists.

He hailed `the resilience of locals` during the period of terrorism, adding that former prime minister Benazir Bhutto had said some people wanted to remove the flag of Pakistan from Swat, but she would neverletthathappen.

Highlighting the importance of peace in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, the foreign minister stated that the government was in contact with Kabul and emphasised the benefits of peaceful coexistence and increased trade between the two nations.

He vowed to establish lasting peace and remain steadfast against terrorism, emphasising the unity between the people of Swat and the PPP in this fight.

`Political terrorism` He also criticised PTI and its chief Imran Khan and condemned the violent attacks of May 9.

`Terrorism was already a problem in Pakistan, but now political terrorism has started. Workers of PTI attacked institutions, martyrs` monuments and GHQ,` he added.

He alleged that the PTI chief incited his workers to attack military installations after his arrest.

`PPP demands that strict legal action be taken against the political terrorism of PTI.

`If we forgive them, then there will be more political terrorism in Pakistan.He added when former prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged, his mother, Ms Bhutto could have directed the party workers to attack national institutions, but `she was a patriot and did not do so`.

`Elections should be on time` Mr Bhutto-Zardari remarked the elections should be held on time and whenever they take place, the youth would vote for PPP.

`I also ask other political parties to prepare for the elections and when the elections areheld, the political party that wins will have the right to rule the country.

He called on the people of Swat to start the election campaign for the PPP immediately.

He said that during the previous fourteen months, your young foreign minister did those things for the country which the senior foreign ministers couldn`t.

The foreign minister said that during the floods, `every country stood by us`, and now the world was ready to move forward with Pakistan.