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Congressmen versus US electorate

T HE American electorate is waking up.

More and more Americans are saying, five years ago , we didn`t know anything about the war, now we know and we say that war is a hoax. It is designed to keep the armaments factories producing. They say that America is exchanging oil with blood. More and more Americans have begun to see that Congress and their rulers are poles apart from the American electorate and their ambitions.

The Americans are angry with electronic surveillance which has made practically all Americans lose their freedom. While championing the cause of freedom, they have made America a totalitarian state. The concept of privacy in America is as dead.

Not all Americans trust the term` terrorist`. Recently , I heard a speech by a white American girl, perhaps , on a university campus in America .The same girl said in her speech that any citizen of a country whose resources we have moved to capture, oil particularly , is called a `terrorist` by the American establishment if he resists.(applause, loud cheers, hosanna).

Anyone, even with rudimentary knowledge of foreign affairs, knows what Pakistan has done in this so-called `war on terror`. More than 60,000 Pakistanis have died fighting this war. (How many American have died?) Every day we are paying the price for this war on terror which was avoidable. Shall we say 60,000 Pakistanis would have been alive if we had avoided this war and confined ourselves to issuing only statements such as the one issued by the Congressmen (Dawn, July 14).

Words cost nothing.

Hate begets hate. America has created a culture of hatred and mistrust. In 2005 alone nine or perhaps more black churches were set on fire by white supremacists.

Every day blacks are killed mercilessly. The Congressmen should set their house in order first before they set out to advise others.

Azmat Ansari Karachi