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`Mr` or `Maulana`?

I HAVE thus f ar lived as plain `Mr Aziz`. Of late, my friends and acquaintances, based on some illusionary f acets they see in my persona, have recommended that I add an appellation or prefix to my name. The suggestion is to choose between `Mian Sahib` or `Maulana`.

Through the courtesy of this platform, I wish to reach out to the enlightened readers in seeking guidance on whether I can, without seeking any approval, choose between the two options, or a third one that might crop up from nowhere.

Those with legal minds and background may clarify if there is any statutory body from which I need to obtain prior permission in this regard. My personal inclination is towards adding Maulana to my name, making it `Maulana Aziz`instead of `Mr Aziz`. Readers` suggestion will help me greatly in taking the final decision.

Sirajuddin Aziz KarachiI HAVE thus f ar lived as plain `Mr Aziz`. Of late, my friends and acquaintances, based on some illusionary f acets they see in my persona, have recommended that I add an appellation or prefix to my name. The suggestion is to choose between `Mian Sahib` or `Maulana`.

Through the courtesy of this platform, I wish to reach out to the enlightened readers in seeking guidance on whether I can, without seeking any approval, choose between the two options, or a third one that might crop up from nowhere.

Those with legal minds and background may clarify if there is any statutory body from which I need to obtain prior permission in this regard. My personal inclination is towards adding Maulana to my name, making it `Maulana Aziz`instead of `Mr Aziz`. Readers` suggestion will help me greatly in taking the final decision.

Sirajuddin Aziz Karachi