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Four of a family injured in gas explosion

By Our Staff Reporter 2018-12-18
RAWALPINDI: Four members of a family were burnt in a gas explosion in their house in Tahmaspabad near Rawal Road on Monday.

Mohammad Naeem, 33, who suffered more than 65pc burn injuries, was stated to be in critical condition.

Doctors said his wife Nazia, 33, was stable as she suffered minor burns.

His two children, eight-year-old daughter Maham and two-year-old son Ahmed, suffered five to 10pc burns.

The explosion occurred when Naeem switched on the light of his gas-filled room, which shattered windows.

The explosion was followed by fire.

Rescue 1122 has appealed to people to turn off gas heaters and stoves before going to bed, and in case of gas leakage, not to switch on lights.

On sensing gas, occupants should first open doors and windows and vacate the room and call emergency services.