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Seventy-five years ago Sind cabinet sworn in

HYDERABAD: The New Sind Cabinet of five with Mr Yusuf Abdulla Haroon as the Premier was sworn in here today [Feb 18] at 11.30 A.M. The other four new ministers are: Mr Fazlullah Obeidullah Kazi, Syed Miran Mohammad Shah, Mir Bundeh Ali Khan Talpur, and Syed Noor Mohammad Shah.

The following is the allocation of portfolios: Mr Yusuf Haroon Finance, Political Services and General Administration; Kazi Fazlullah Home, Legal, E ducation, Health and Self-Government; Syed Miran Mohammad Shah Revenue and Refugees Rehabilitation; Mir Bundeh Ali Talpur [-] Public Works; and Syed Noor Mohammad Shah Food and Civil Supplies, Industries and Labour. ...

[Meanwhile, according to a staff reporter in Karachi,] the inaugural session of the Pakistan Muslim League Council will commence at the Khaligdina Hall, Karachi, at 11 a.m. today [Feb 20] a year after the dissolution of the All-India Muslim League. ...

Election to the Central Parliamentary Board will be held tomorrow. ... As far as presidentship is concerned, the unanimous election of Chaudhri Khaliquzzaman, Chief Organiser of the Pakistan Muslim League, appears to be a foregone conclusion.