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LANGUAGE POWER: This is with

LANGUAGE POWER: This is with reference to the letter `Linguistic terrorism`` (Jan 17). Urdu is beyond doubt a comprehensive language with a rich vocabulary. In 1970, I was part of a group of four that was sent to West Germany for a few months of training. While talking to each other, we frequently used English words. Soon we realised that our German colleagues were able to make out what we were talking about among ourselves. We then decided to avoid using any English word during our conversations, and we were never at a loss for words. Since then, I do not use any English word while talking in Urdu or Punjabi, and I have never felt any problem expressing myself.

Imtiaz Akhter Rawalpindi FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: As a recent law school graduate, I believe there is a need tointroduce a dedicated chapter on fundamental rights in the middle school syllabus. It is essential for everyone to understand the rights they possess.

Furthermore, this addition would have a positive impact on the younger generation, making them aware of their rights, which will be the first step towards a more informed society tomorrow. This knowledge empowers individuals of all shades to demand their rights, influencing the government to ensure the provision ofthese rights.Such aninclusionin the curriculum can contribute to creating a rights-conscious environment.

Muhammad Aaqib Channa Karachi E-CIGARETTE ADDICTION: The consumption of e-cigarettes has increased among youngsters in Pakistan. According to a survey, more than 10 per cent of the population is addicted to e-cigarettes that come in different flavours. Youngsters use them as an alternative to conventional smoking in the belief that it has low health implications. However, e-cigarettes are injurious to health as they can cause lung cancer, brain tumour, weak immune system and chronic bronchitis.

The authorities must control the illegal sale of e-cigarettes, and suspend the licence of those who violate such orders.

Kamran Ali Khoso Hyderabad