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SSGC meters

THIS is with reference to the letter `SSGC meters` (Feb 14). The meters installed by the Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) donot operate throughany sort ofair compressors.

In fact, the compressors are designed specifically for natural gas, and cannot function by compressing air into the system. Besides, there is no flywheel installed in the meters.

Technically, if introduced, air would scramble the entire metering system, damage the infrastructure and would result in immediate operational failure.

Also, since air contains moisture, that would corrode the metallic pipelines within no time.

SSGC meters do not operate on the basis of air speed; they work on physical displacement of gas. This technology is globally recognised. The hissing sound that SSGC customers notice in their burners is due to low gas flow, and is not an indication of excess air in the pipeline.

SSGC spokesperson Karachi