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Atlantic pact

WASHINGTON: Seven Western nations today [March 18], gave notice that they intend to fight aggression in Europe or North America by collective armed action. The Atlantic Pact text of which was issued in the seven capitals after secret talks ... will bind each of the signatories to go to the aid of any member attacked with `such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force`. They also agree to consult together in the event of a threat to the territorialintegrity, political independence or security of any of the parties. A council representing all the signatories will ... implement the Treaty. It will be `so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time`. News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies in Karachi,] a resolution providing for the formation of an eight-man committee to consider the question of shifting the capital of Sind from Karachi, the selection of a suitable site for the new capital and to report its recommendations within two months was unanimously passed in the Sind Assembly on Friday [March 18]. ...[T]he Leader of the House, Mr Yusuf Haroon, stated that the question of a new capital was very important for the province and needed thorough consideration.