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State`s weakness

THE recent uproar over blasphemy allegations linked to a calligraphic design on a piece of clothing in Lahore captured widespread attention and sparked a significant controversy. Additionally, these accusations have been met with both subtle disapproval and outright rejection by the majority of the country`s rational citizens.

Analysing the state`s lack of response to this grave matter suggests one of three troubling possibilities: either the state is aligned with the extremists` viewpoint, or it fears the repercussions of confronting the accusers, or it dismissively regards this as a commonplace occurrence. Regardless of the underlying reason, the implications are severe for both the present and future of our society, which is already deeply divided and is witnessing the continuous erosion of its cherished values.

As things stand, the repercussions for us all are extensive, including escalated social fragmentation, an upsurge in selfappointed law enforcement giving a surge in vigilantism, diminished confidence in state institutions, and deep-seated psychologicaleffects.

The only viable approach to resolving this ongoing dilemma is to adopt a firm stance, and set a precedent by holding accountable those who endanger innocent lives under the guise of religious zeal. It is imperative to take decisive action against individuals who escalate such a situation without any valid justification or rational basis for their extremist behaviour.

Now, more than ever, the population is looking towards the state for guidance and protection, as we yearn for a safe Pakistan where we can live our lives normally, without the constant need to prove our faith to thugs and extremists. The ball is now in the court of the state. The state needs to strongly clarify its stance on such contentious and heinousissues.

Ali Ammar Karachi