Unwavering focus to fight terrorism
THE recent spate of terrorism in parts of the country, especially Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), is seriously alarming. That this is all happening during the holy month of Ramazan is unfortunate and tragic. Those who kill innocent unarmed men, women and children in cold blood violate the basic tenets and teachings of Islam. A good Muslim must be a good human being. There should be no confusion on the matter.
No politician or religious leader can override what the faith forbids. All the three monotheist religions stress upon the sanctity of human life. Political parties enjoying populist support should never be seen condoning brutalities in which terrorists kill individuals based on their ethnicity. In fact, there should be utter condemnation of such acts.
Itis the vote ofthe people that gives power to the political parties. They all exist because of Pakistan and the people who live in this country. The lukewarm response and condemnation by a few politicians, with their ifs and buts, is unacceptable. All individuals and institutions must focus on their assigned roles. There is no room for intelligence lapses.
It is time the state of Pakistan abandonedits vacillating policies ofgood and bad terrorists. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist. Period. There should be a long-term policy against terrorism, with no powers to anyone to change it on the basis of whim and fancy. Those who take up arms against the state should be put down with full force of the state. Only those who lay down arms unconditionally should be forgiven.
Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis have lost their lives, suffered displacement because of the unacceptable role of a few who facilitated the return of terrorists with arms and ammunition.
They are as much responsible for these killings as are the terrorists. They must be prosecuted,theirproperties should be confiscated, and the proceeds must be given to the kith and kin of the victims.
In all fairness, the politicians who wereat the helm in the hybrid system alone cannot be held responsible. However, they are responsible for not upholding the pledge they made to uphold the Constitution.
Malik Tariq Ali Lahore