SARGODHA: An AntiTerrorism court (ATC) special judge on Tuesday rejected the request of Bhakkar police for further 14-day physical remand of PTI leader Ali Amin Gandapur after completion of three-day remand and remanded him back to the Bhakkar sessions court.
Judge Khawar Rasheed accepted the plea of counsel for the accused and ordered to delete section 7 of AntiTerrorism Act (ATA) and remanded him back to the Bhakkar sessions court.
The learned judge directed the Bhakkar police to produce Gandapur before the sessions court on Wednesday(today).
It merits mentioning that three cases were registered against Ali Amin Gandapur by Bhakkar police.
In two cases section 7 of ATA was added by police. In one case this offence was earlier omitted by Bhakkar sessions judge and granted him bail.
In another case heard by ATC Sargodha, Gandapur was presented before court after threeday physical remand with request to grant further 14-day remand which was turned down, the judge observed that 7 ATA doesn`t apply in this case.
In the third case of recovery of huge quantity of illicit arms, Gandapur was discharged from the courtoftheBhakkarsenior civil judge.