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I A LWAYS believed that with education comes basic manners and realisation of moral and ethical responsibilities. But looking at the people of my city, I have begun to doubt this belief of mine. This is because I see uneducated people in orange clothes sweep the streets whereas educated people litter them. Perhaps we are not getting the right education because if we were, we would not throw wrappers out of ourcars,ofhces,schoolbuildings and windows of our homes without feeling guiltyabout it. It pains me to see people travelling in expensive cars throw wrappers outside on the streets without realising they are polluting the environment themselves, that they keep criticising.

Karachi is a huge city with many kinds of people living in it and unfortunately all, irrespective of which area they live in, have this habit. The only difference is the type of wrappers being thrown. Some throw chaliya and gutka wrappers whereas others throw dairy-mill< wrappers.

I was disappointed when I saw a US journalistinPakistan posinginfrontofa `kachra kundi`, then putting up that picture as his cover photo on Facebook. I criticised him for giving a wrong image of Pakistan, but in reality it is not him who gave Pakistan a bad image. It is us, the people of Pakistan, who pollute their own environment.

I urge the government to keep dustbins at every corner of every street. I urge the media to promote a healthy non-polluted environment. Above all, I urge the people of not just Karachi but entire Pakistan to behave like educated people and not to litter our own surroundings.

S. Akhtar Channer Karachi