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PTI rejects call for settling `meddling` issue out of court

By Ikram Junaidi 2024-05-19
ISLAMABAD: Criticising a suggestion by Adviser to the Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs Rana Sanaullah that the issue of six judges` letter regarding meddling in judicial affairs should be settled out of court, the PTI has said the proposal is clear evidence that there is no rule of law in Pakistan.

A PTI spokesperson, in a statement, said the Supreme Court should issue a contempt notice to Mr Sanaullah.

`[The] Party, which has come to power through a deal, has been suggesting judges to make a deal,` the spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, the PTI condemned the government for its alleged silence over escalating tensions along the Pakistan-Afghan border, urging the state to reassess its priorities and develop a strategy to find a durable and permanent solu-tion to the issue.

The spokesperson said that Pakistan`s border areas were under constant tension due to the government`s `failed` foreign policies.

The spokesperson expressed grave concern over the fixing of Tyrian case against PTI founding chairman Imran Khan for rehearing after a year, even though two judges of a three-member bench have already ruled against maintainability of the case.

He said the PTI founding chairman`s opponents had now pinned their hopes on this case after failing to achieve their desired goals in the Toshakhana, cipher and Al-Qadir Trust cases.

He alleged that Islamabad High Court (IHC) Chief Justice Aamer Farooq had proved his `bias` against Mr Khan by constituting a fresh bench to hear the case instead of announcing the verdict of a threemember bench, headed by him, wherein two judges had ruled against the maintainability of the case.

Meanwhile, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan has expressed grave concern over the incidents of mob violence against international students, including Pakistanis,inBishkekanddemanded the Foreign Office take immediate steps to ensure the safety and security of students and facilitate `their safe return to Pakistan.