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Jewish terrorism

LONDON: Palestine Arab leaders in a protest to General Sir Alan Cunningham have threatened to take direct action for defence against Jewish terrorists and demanded the immediate dissolution of the Jewish Agency and other organisations. The protest signed by Jamal Husseini, ViceChairmanofthePalestineArabHigherCommittee, accused the Palestine Government of showing no genuine inclination to suppress terrorism.

Among punishments which are demanded against the Jews are blowing up of Jewish quarters and houses where terrorist activities occur and the imposition of collective fines on the Jewish population of Palestine. The protest follows the death of four Arabs in Jewish terrorist activities in Jaffa.... A five-man delegation from Jamal Husseini`s Palestine Arab Party the biggest Arab political group in Palestine -in an interview with the Commissioner in Jaffa district demanded the setting up of `an Arab defence Organisation` to protect Arab lives and property against Jewish terrorism. A split in Palestine Jewish ranks has developed with the scattering by the Stern Gang (the terrorist organisation) of a pamphlet throughout Jerusalem declaring that ... armed violence will continue until the Jews have `complete freedom and independence in Palestine`. Dawn Delhi