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Family tree details

T HIS is with reference to the letter `Nadra blunder` (Sept 8). The national reverification drive, Tasdiq-o-Tajdeed, was launched on Aug 13 with the core purpose of weeding out the families from intruders and aliens, and to facilitate successionrelated issues in the future. So f ar, 1.5 million f amilies have got their family records verified.

The security of citizens` data has been foremost and priority of the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) which will never be compromised at any cost. Only those people can fetch f amily data using the 8009 f acility who got their numbers registered with Nadra at the time of processing identity documents.

No unregistered number can receive family details by only sending the CNIC number using 8009. If the number is not registered with Nadra, the individuals are requested to get their contact numbers updated in the database by giving their biometrics against their CNIC numbers.

Nadra Spokesperson Islamabad