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Non-financial default

PAKISTAN was saved from default with the support of International Monetary Fund (IMF). But we have defaulted on everything else. We have defaulted politically, but politicians, with some exceptions, are thriving and prospering.

We have defaulted morally as we see increasing cases of abuse in religious schools and universities that are glaring indicators of moral decay. Minorities, too, face violence.

We have defaulted on law and order, but law-enforcers, with few exceptions, are amassing wealth without any remorse or fear. We have defaulted on controlling exploitation of public by hoarders and profiteers, who are taking full advantage of inflation and charging exorbitant rates than actual, creating artificial inflation.

Our public education institutions and health system have literally collapsed, but those who run and control the system are minting money and enjoying the best of everything at home and abroad. We have defaulted on climate change as dirty and expensive energy sources are in use and no intention and action is in sight to opt for inexpensive and environment-friendly solar, wind and other clean energy sources.

The only one who seems to have not defaulted thus far is the common man.

By the looks of it, he is too busy making something of his life. Else, he, too, would have surely defaulted by now.

Gutsher Panhwer Johi