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KP traffic police

IT is rather unfortunate to read what a learned reader wrote about the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa traf fic police in these columns on Oct16. I had, however, a totally dif ferent experience on two of my recent visits to Peshawar. They were pleasant and surprising ones.

Two months ago I had to visit Peshawar for a day to have a meeting at the FrontierEducation Foundation. The address showed it was in Hayatabad. I drove up there and lost my way, saw a traf fic constable and asked him about the of fice. He pointed out to a senior of ficer and said that he was our inspector and he would guide me.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the inspector saying Salam first politely and then asking me about my pronlem. When I told him that I did not know how to locate that of fice, he guided me in detail and gave me his telephone number just in case I had any dif ficulty.

Two days ago I went to Peshawar with my family. On our way back I saw a famous kebab house from a distance and parked the vehicle af ter crossing the Firdaus area. I saw a traf fic constable there and asked him to guide me to the place. He not only guided me in a very pleasant manner, but also cleared a 300-yard-long service lane for me to go back and take a turn. I promised him that I would let the nation know that there had been a great change in the attitude of the KP traf fic police.

Saifuddin Saif Chitral