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HRCP and rights

THIS is with reference to the article `Criminalising rights` (Nov 4). The criticism of Section 26B of the Pakistan Army Act 1952 inserted by parliament in August 2023 amid a slew of hastily passed legislation is legitimate.

However, the assertion is not fair that `even more vocal organisations, like the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), have tacitly accepted this circumscription of civilians` rights as fait accompli`.

In fact, the HRCP had deplored the passage of the amended law in a press statement issued on Aug 2, calling attention to the fact that it violates the right to freedom of expression of retired military personnel under Article 19 as well as their right to participate in public life under Article 17.

This stance was reiterated in the October issue of HRCP`s bulletin Elections Watch, where the organisation pointed out that several laws bulldozed through parliament by the outgoing governmentwere bound to have an impact on electoral outcomes in one way or another.

The HRCP continues to monitor all national and provincial legislation, and points out laws or amendments that in any way violate the country`s Constitution.

Hinafilani Chairperson, HRCP Lahore