KARACHI: Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, categorically declared in Parliament yesterday (Thursday) [Jan 19] that `we shall not allow India to dominate Kashmir by force`. Irrespective of what anybody may say or do, no matter what the sacrifice, no matter what the consequences. The Prime Minister said that although he very much desired `peace, amity and friendship` with India, it was not possible unless the Kashmir problem was justly settled. ...
Loud cheers welcomed the Prime Minister`s declaration. His sentiments were echoed and re-echoed by six of the seven speakers, including the Leader of the Opposition, during the three-hour debate on Kashmir. Staff correspondent [Meanwhile, as reported by a correspondent from Cairo,] it is learned here that the Syrian Minister of National Economy, who is at present in el-Riad with a view to obtaining a 23 million dollar Saudi Arabian loan for Syria, may also visit Cairo for the same purpose. ... The Syrian delegates may also visit Pakistan to obtain a 12 million dollar loan.
Syria plans to use the money ... in executing big irrigation projects and supplying its army with armaments.