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FUUAST pension

THIS is with reference to the letters `FUUAST pension (Jan 27) and `Pension plea` (Feb 5). The matter of non-payment of pension by the Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology (FUUAST) in Karachi has not moved an inch forward.

Hundreds of retired employees have repeatedly approached the relevant authorities to resolve the issue of nonpayment of their pensions for the last six months and dues of the retirees since 2017. There has been no satisfactory response till date. Perhaps it is time for a direct intervention by the president of Pakistan, in his capacity as the FUUAST chancellor.

Amongst those suffering are several individuals carrying serious ailments. In fact, there have been seven deaths already because medical support could not be arranged by the family in time. Most of the retirees are aged around 70 years, and pension is not only their legal right, but also a life support mechanism.

There is a fund of Rs60 million at the disposal of the vice-chancellor (VC), and it can be utilised to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis, as the pension fund has been consumed by the corrupt elements within the administration.

These elements are actually responsible for bringing this prestigious universityto the brink of default. This specific group of individuals needs to be put in its due place. The FUUAST chancellor should address the issue on a priority basis.

Prof (Dr) Sayeda Daud Karachi